[English Translation]

Packet Inbound is a "sorting" game where you need to eliminate bad packets and letting the good ones pass. These bad packets are ruining the Internet's traffic, eliminate all bad packets to keep them steady!

This was made for an Indonesian game jam called Arkav Game Jam, and I originally wrote this description in Indonesian. I will keep the old description for the sake of history.

Packet Inbound!

..adalah sebuah game "sorting" dimana tugas Anda adalah untuk mengeliminasi packet internet yang buruk. Packet buruk ini menggangu lalu lintas internet, eliminasilah semua packet buruk untuk menjaga alur dan lalu lintas internet!

Keterkaitan dengan Tema

Tema Arkav Game Jam 2021 adalah "STREAM", yang saya intepretasikan sebagai "a stream of bytes", dan "a stream of internet packets". Komunikasi internet menggunakan packets untuk bertukar informasi. Satu-satunya mekanik game ini adalah dengan menjaga alur (stream) lalu lintas internet dengan mengeliminasi packet internet buruk.


GitHub repository

Made for Arkav Game Jam 2021


PacketInbound v1.0 (win64) 14 MB
PacketInbound v1.0 (linux64) 16 MB
PacketInbound v1.0 (Android) 21 MB

Install instructions

For Android:

Download the .apk file, then follow the instructions on screen.

For Desktops (Windows, Linux)

Download the .zip file according to your operating system (Win64 for Windows, linux64 for Linux), and unzip it to a folder.

For Windows, double click "PacketInbound.exe" to launch the game. No further configurations needed.

For Linux, double click "PacketInbound.x86_64" to launch the game. If not working, make sure to set the executable flag with this command:

chmod +x PacketInbound.x86_64 


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I like the game and the concept, I would make it a bit harder though and maybe add like a different colored block that maybe does something different to make the game a bit more interesting. Fun game tho!

Thank you! Don't forget to rate my submission in my submission page!